Homework 1

Basic Image Manipulation


    You can download lena.bmp here !
    You can also download OpenCV C++ template for Visual Studio 2015 here ! (Warning: If you use this template, please don't upload the whole project. Only the source codes should be submitted. e.g. main.cpp, funtion.h )

  • Part1. Write a program to do the following requirement.
    • (a) upside-down lena.bmp
    • (b) right-side-left lena.bmp
    • (c) diagonally flip lena.bmp
  • Part2. Write a program or use software to do the following requirement.
    • (d) rotate lena.bmp 45 degrees clockwise
    • (e) shrink lena.bmp in half
    • (f) binarize lena.bmp at 128 to get a binary image


  • You may use any programming language of your choice to implement the functions required in assignment #1, provided that you do not use any library calls except for basic image IO (e.g. OpenCV).

  • For part 2, you can use any image processing software. In your report, you must specify which software you used to obtain the required results.

  • Grading policy
    • Failing to provide a report will reduce your grade by 1~2 levels.
    • Using restricted functions within your program (unless specified) will result in a failure of your work.
  • Hint: You can use any programing language to implement homework. However don't just call libraries, if just call libraries you will get zero point.


  • Q1: 作業是否可以用numpy一次處理多個像素?
      不可以,如python numpy.ndarray.T或是matlab的 A'都不行。
  • Q2: 請問作業報告格式可以是word嗎?
      統一格式為PDF,可將word轉為PDF上傳。報告要包含part1, part2共六張圖片。
  • Q3: 有規定報告的頁數嗎?
  • Q4: 請問投影片中的 hvision.h 和 B_PIX 要如何使用?
      hvision.h 和 B_PIX 是多年前比較舊的套件,不推薦使用。
      建議可以用C++ 或 python 的 OpenCV、Matlab 來實作此次作業。
  • Q5: 請問如何繳交作業?
      用 Filezilla client 登入 (IP:, account: 2022cv1, password: 2022cv1, port: 12000)
  • Q6: 請問作業(c)對角線是哪一條? (d)旋轉45度以後的圖片大小為何? (e)縮小一半是邊長還是面積?
      (c)兩條都可以。 (d)都可以,看得出來有旋轉即可,邊角被切掉也可以。 (e) 邊長。
  • Q7: 為了排版可以在報告中調整影像大小嗎?
  • Q8: 壓縮檔內要附上原圖嗎?
  • Q9: 請問Output的格式有限制嗎?
  • Q10: 請問part2用如果也用程式寫,是否有限定函式?
  • Q11: Part1.(c) 的 diagonal mirrored 是要鏡射還是翻轉?
      因為有許多同學會有誤會,因此我們將題目改成 diagonal flip,是要對角的翻轉

Have Fun

Sometimes misfortune is a blessing in disguise.
